Trainings are excellent opportunities to refine your knowledge, Further explore the details and subtleties of a practice.
1-1 Personalized Mentorship Program:
Mentee class observation
Mentee takes class
Mentee shadows and learns in class adjustments
View & shadow Mentee teaching
Adjust and teach Mentor
20mins teach Mentor and discuss after
Zoom 20/30 mins discussion call to go over observation & insights
Each Week:
Mentee observes one class per week
Practice one class per week
Zoom check in once a week to go over observations and insights: 15/20 mins
Every two weeks (2x a month)
Mentee shadows Mentor to learn adjustments open level class and or restorative class
Once a Month (1x a month)
Once a month Mentor observes Mentee's teaching through shadowing and or observation.
Mentee teaches Mentor with Adjustments for 15 mins with follow up discussion
observes and practices in class
shadows and learns adjustments
teaches Mentor with adjustments
Observes through shadowing and observing Mentee
Zoom check in together to go over insights and discussion
As the seasons shift, so do we. Humans are a part of Great Nature, as such we can take cues from the seasonal rhythm as to how to best align ourselves with the pattern of existence. Just as the trees pull their life force deep into their roots, so can we.
Winter is a time to stay inside, both literally and figuratively. As the world outside freezes we have an opportunity to cultivate a more robust inner world. The yoga practice can reflect this through developing the ability to stay in poses that allow us to fold into ourselves, become reflective, and find deep stillness within our body and our mind. As we shift the body, the mind will follow.
This season is about the depth of inner wisdom, and gaining perspective of how we want to emerge in Spring through traversing our inner darkness. Together we will spend two hours exploring various yoga poses and breath techniques to aid you in soothing and restoring your nervous system so that you may be able to embark upon this journey through the dark months. Through practicing these techniques, perspective can be gained as to how to emerge from the depth of Winter into the light and renewal of Spring
In this Winter practice we will:
learn breath techniques to cultivate one's internal landscape
review Winter archetypes
practice poses that support the nervous system
Cost: $55 | $60 at door
Location: Yoga & Yoginis | 432, 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215