Workshops & Retreats
What you seek is seeking you - Rumi
Retreats are the opportunity to stop, listen, slow down and re-unite to yourself and the life around you; to reflect on our life choices . Turn off electronics, distractions, and attachments, to offer yourself the gift of contemplation. Our very busy lives consumes us; we move fast, survive, get through each day, to do it all over again. Let yourself recalibrate and have the space to know what is important and what is not; to have the clarity of mind to recognize your choices. Come participate with like minded individuals, as we build community and share the importance of coming home to our authentic selves by nurturing your inner home with the practices of yoga through body, mind and heart, pranayama and meditation.
Workshops are excellent opportunities to refine your knowledge. Through one time offerings and series, you get to enhance your understanding of the material and further explore the details and subtilties of a practice.

Adjustments Lab
with Jon Ziff Sint and Cari Friedman
Saturday, October 23th, 2021
Yogis & Yoginis
to register:
Using the Katonah Yoga® principles as a lens, Cari and Jon will guide you through a variety of postures and adjustments. The workshop is designed for the adjustments to ground and solidify the yoga practitioner’s positions, adding length and direction to the body while simultaneously finding volume and comfort in the pose. Many classes are taught with verbal cues and assists. Verbal cues are good for personal ownership; however, you are still navigating through your own habitual nature. Often assists are not well explained, but only experienced. We will demonstrate how hands on adjustments, with energy-metaphors can be revelatory. A steady, grounded adjustment will inform one’s direction, vision, comfort, and overall well-being. The goal is to have a healthy lifelong yoga practice.
This workshop is for anyone who would like to deepen their knowledge and experience through adjustments. It is especially useful for the dedicated practitioner, teachers in training and teachers who would like to understand how to further educate their students through their bodies.
What to expect in this workshop:
Breaking down shapes and postures
Demonstrations to help assist for stronger understanding and direction
Be prepared to give and receive adjustments that can support and stabilize your body in a variety of postures
Learn adjustments that can provide informative actions in poses.
COST: $60 Day of $65

Fridays: 4-5:15 pm
Date: JAN 10, 17, 24 & 32
No matter where we are in life, it is essential to cultivate habits and skills that allow us in live as our best selves. This 4 week series is dedicated to introducing tools and techniques that provide support & guidance, structure and strength, competence & imagination, leaving you empowered and joyful.
We will practice through Katonah yoga's lens, where one of the principle metaphors is "our body is our house": how we live in it, mess it up and clean it is reflected in our every day life. We will orient and organize ourselves by setting up conditions through measure, maps, recipes, and geometry to get a clearer view of our habits and patterns.
Please join me in a safe supportive environment that builds fluency, stability and wholesomeness.
Located at Spoke the Hub: 748 Union St. between 5/6th ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn
Cost: 4 week series - $108